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Welcome to Annandale-North Springfield Little League

Levels of Play at ANSLL


Level Typical Age Range Style of Play
T-Ball 4-6 T-ball
Developmental 5-7 Coach Pitch
Farm 6-8 Machine pitch
Minors 8-11 Player pitch
Majors 10-12 Player pitch
Juniors 13-14 Player pitch
Seniors 15-16 Player pitch


Seniors league
All players will be drafted onto a Seniors team with a mix of 15 and 16 yr old players. Played on a 90' diamond. A Tournament team will be selected at the end of the spring season to play in District 10 post-season tournament in July, in which the winners progress to the state championships.

Junior league
All players will be drafted onto a Juniors team with a mix of 13 and 14 yr old players. Played on a 90' diamond. A Tournament team will be selected at the end of the spring season to play in District 10 post-season tournaments in July, in which the winners progress to the state championships.

Major league
All players must attend a tryout for evaluation. They will be evaluated on their ability in batting, throwing, catching and running and placed on a team through a draft process. All 12 year olds will be drafted onto a Majors team. 12-11, 11-10 and 10-9 year old Tournament team(s) will be selected at the end of the season to play in District 10 post-season tournaments in July, in which the winners progress to the state championships, and the 11-12's could continue to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Minors (AA-AAA)
All players must tryout to be guaranteed team placement. Players for each team will be selected via a draft by managers. If your nine year-old can hit a pitched ball well, can throw 60 feet, can catch consistently, and has a good knowledge of the game, he or she may be ready for AAA. Keep in mind that real hardball baseballs are used at this level and that your child must be comfortable facing a pitcher and able to catch a ball. If your child is 7 or 9 years old, but has limited baseball experience or still has trouble hitting, catching or throwing, the Farm may be the appropriate league. A 7 year-old player could be drafted to Minors in exceptional situations. Players in AAA may be selected to play in the post season on the 9-10 Tournament Team to play in District 10 post-season tournaments in July. There are also two additional All Star teams that play in a tournament put on by SYA. Those teams are the 8-9 team and 9-11 tournament team(s) and those players are selected from the AA or AAA levels and the tournament games are typically played middle to late June.

Farm (Machine Pitch) 
The A league is commonly known as A-machine pitch. Teams are re-formed each year by requests and on a neighborhood basis as much as possible. A pitching machine delivers the ball to the batter. Mostly 8 year-olds are anticipated to play at this level. A 6 year old may be considered to play in this level if he/she has played one year of tee ball and has his/her tee-ball manager's recommendation. Unless a 9 year-old player significantly lags his/her peers in hitting, catching or throwing, it is probable that your child will be drafted at the AA level. All players 9 years or older are required to attend tryouts but some might be playing at the A level to gain experience before moving to AA.

Developmental (Coach Pitch)  (requests considered)
Teams will be formed by requests and on a neighborhood basis as much as possible. Developmental league is the first exposure to the rules of baseball. Players will have the opportunity to learn the basics of fielding, base running and proper batting mechanics and playing a "real game", even though score is not kept. This is where they learn the goal of getting "outs" in the field, and trying to avoid getting out while batting. Coaches will pitch the ball to the players. Mostly 6-7 year-olds are anticipated to play at this level. 6 innings or 1:45 time limit.

Tee Ball  (requests considered)
Teams will be formed by requests and on a neighborhood basis as much as possible. This level is an introduction to baseball where your child learns the basics. All players bat in each inning outs are made but not recorded in a 3 inning game. A soft safety ball is hit from a tee. This level will be composed of mostly 5 and first time 6 year-olds. Unless a 7 year-old player significantly lags his/her peers, it is recommended that the 7 year olds play at the Developmental level.

Annandale-North Springfield Little League

P.O. Box 1192 
Annandale, Virginia 22003
Email : [email protected]
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